The following individual copies of the New Chichester Papers are available for £5 (plus £2 P&P) via our Contact page. Postage for three or more titles/copies postage will be combined with payment to be made on receipt of invoice.
NCP No. 13
County Hall and its architect CG Stillman
NCP No. 12
Bishop’s Palace Garden, Chichester: A History
NCP No. 11
Chichester Commemorated: Plaques within the City Walls
NCP No. 10
Charles Crocker: Chichester’s Forgotten Poet
NCP No. 9
Chi High, Chichester Festival Theatre and Me
NCP No. 8
Dead and Buried in Chichester
NCP No. 7
‘Squibs’ The 1830 Chichester Election Campaign
NCP No. 6
The Ship Hotel Chichester
NCP No. 5
Graylingwell Hospital 1915-1919
NCP No. 4
Second World War Bombing of Chichester
NCP No. 3
The Royal West Sussex Hospital 1784-1995
NCP No. 2
Chichester: the Castle in the Park
NCP No. 1
The Day the Liberator crashed on Chichester