The Chichester Local History Society was formed in the mid-1980s and seeks to promote talks, research, and publications on local historical topics and to arrange visits to places of historical interest in the Chichester area. Our meetings welcome speakers on a wide range of subjects concerning the City of Chichester, its surroundings, its buildings, and the people who lived and worked here.
The Society’s annual programme consists of nine talks between the months of September and June, plus an AGM with a ‘bring and share’ supper in December and a summer event in the Chichester area. A Society journal which contains a series of articles of local historical interest contributed by members and other authors is published each year and is free to members. The Society also publishes New Chichester Papers on single historical topics relevant to Chichester. For further details can be found on our Publications page.
If you would like to know more about Chichester’s history, or share your knowledge with others, why not come along to one of our meetings, details of which can be found here. Details of our Constitution are available here.
If you have any questions or wish to join the Society, go to our Contact page.